My Final Birth Story
Nicki Worden Nicki Worden

My Final Birth Story

I recognized this would be a planned, high-risk pregnancy. It would be at a hospital. And, thankfully, it would be with the OB that I trust most in the world. I was only able to give up control because of the immense trust I had in the team that was caring for me. I knew without question that they would lead me on this journey. 

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Let’s Talk About Your Pelvic Floor
Family First Birth Services Family First Birth Services

Let’s Talk About Your Pelvic Floor

Leena Bird Physical Therapy was born as a means to bring personalized guidance and support to mamas and mamas-to-be so they can reconnect with their bodies and live energized lives filled with movement, confidence and JOY as they raise their families.

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On My Way!
Tara VanDyke Tara VanDyke

On My Way!

These three words are basically my purpose, my sweet spot, my song. They sum up the reason most people hire a doula: birth is hard work. It’s time for help.

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