Events & classes

Birth Prep Express

Birth Prep Express

This is an intensive, 2-hour mini class. Great for first-time parents, and really helpful as a refresher for experienced parents too.

A few things we'll cover:

  • How to time contractions

  • What to expect in each stage of labor

  • Knowing your options & how to advocate for them

  • Positions & comfort measures helpful for any type of birth

  • Practical tips for how to be a supportive partner

Class fee: $100

One ticket includes admission for you + 1 support person.

This class is free for Family First doula clients. Please ask your doula for promo code.

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Birth Prep Express

Birth Prep Express

This is an intensive, 2-hour mini class. Great for first-time parents, and really helpful as a refresher for experienced parents too.

A few things we'll cover:

  • How to time contractions

  • What to expect in each stage of labor

  • Knowing your options & how to advocate for them

  • Positions & comfort measures helpful for any type of birth

  • Practical tips for how to be a supportive partner

Class fee: $100

One ticket includes admission for you + 1 support person.

This class is free for Family First doula clients. Please ask your doula for promo code.

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Birth Prep Express

Birth Prep Express

This is an intensive, 2-hour mini class. Great for first-time parents, and really helpful as a refresher for experienced parents too.

A few things we'll cover:

  • How to time contractions

  • What to expect in each stage of labor

  • Knowing your options & how to advocate for them

  • Positions & comfort measures helpful for any type of birth

  • Practical tips for how to be a supportive partner

Class fee: $100

One ticket includes admission for you + 1 support person.

This class is free for Family First doula clients. Please ask your doula for promo code.

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Birth Prep Express

Birth Prep Express

This is an intensive, 2-hour mini class. Great for first-time parents, and really helpful as a refresher for experienced parents too.

A few things we'll cover:

  • How to time contractions

  • What to expect in each stage of labor

  • Knowing your options & how to advocate for them

  • Positions & comfort measures helpful for any type of birth

  • Practical tips for how to be a supportive partner

Class fee: $100

One ticket includes admission for you + 1 support person.

This class is free for Family First doula clients. Please ask your doula for promo code.

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Birth Prep Express

Birth Prep Express

This is an intensive, 2-hour mini class. Great for first-time parents, and really helpful as a refresher for experienced parents too.

A few things we'll cover:

  • How to time contractions

  • What to expect in each stage of labor

  • Knowing your options & how to advocate for them

  • Positions & comfort measures helpful for any type of birth

  • Practical tips for how to be a supportive partner

Class fee: $100

One ticket includes admission for you + 1 support person.

This class is free for Family First doula clients. Please ask your doula for promo code.

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Birth Prep Express

Birth Prep Express

This is an intensive, 2-hour mini class. Great for first-time parents, and really helpful as a refresher for experienced parents too.

A few things we'll cover:

  • How to time contractions

  • What to expect in each stage of labor

  • Knowing your options & how to advocate for them

  • Positions & comfort measures helpful for any type of birth

  • Practical tips for how to be a supportive partner

Class fee: $100

One ticket includes admission for you + 1 support person.

This class is free for Family First doula clients. Please ask your doula for promo code.

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Birth Prep Express

Birth Prep Express

This is an intensive, 2-hour mini class. Great for first-time parents, and really helpful as a refresher for experienced parents too.

A few things we'll cover:

  • How to time contractions

  • What to expect in each stage of labor

  • Knowing your options & how to advocate for them

  • Positions & comfort measures helpful for any type of birth

  • Practical tips for how to be a supportive partner

Class fee: $100

One ticket includes admission for you + 1 support person.

This class is free for Family First doula clients. Please ask your doula for promo code.

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Birth Prep Express - Oct

Birth Prep Express - Oct

This intensive, 2-hour mini class. is free, and exclusively for Family First doula clients. Ask your doula for the link to register!

Great for first-time parents, and really helpful as a refresher for experienced parents too.

A few things we'll cover:

  • How to time contractions

  • What to expect in each stage of labor

  • Knowing your options & how to advocate for them

  • Positions & comfort measures helpful for any type of birth

  • Practical tips for how to be a supportive partner

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Comfort & Coping in Birth

Comfort & Coping in Birth

Cost: $100

Registration fee includes attendance for you + 1 support person AND a copy of the 87-page Guidebook for a Positive Birth with extra info and resources.

Taught by Tara Van Dyke, experienced doula and childbirth educator.

Birth -- and, let's face it, life -- can throw us challenges we can’t anticipate. The unpredictability, unknowns and scary stories we hear can add extra fear and anxiety before labor even starts. This class will offer practical skills and tools to help you stay confident and calm through your birth experience.

In Comfort & Coping we’ll cover:

  • How our internal beliefs about birth affect our coping

  • Understanding the fear-tension-pain cycle and how to avoid it

  • Protecting the natural hormonal flow of birth

  • Using breath as a foundation for relaxation

  • Birth positions to keep labor moving efficiently (hands-on practice)

  • Tools to use for extra comfort

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Knowing Your Options

Knowing Your Options

With U Birth: Mind-Body-Spirit Class #2

Cost: $100 (registration includes attendance for you + 1 support person)

Any class in the Mind-Body-Spirit series includes 1 copy of the Guidebook for a Positive Birth (87 pages, with lots of extra info and resources)

Taught by Tara Van Dyke, experienced doula and childbirth educator.

This is one of a 3-part series of classes focusing on evidence-based information to prepare your mind, body, and spirit for the transformative time of birth.

If you are a planner who likes to know every. single. detail. about your choices and options, this is for you. If you are a go-with-the-flow person who lets things unfold as they may, this class is also for you. Even if you’re planning a home birth, this class will provide valuable information on navigating a transfer to the hospital.

In Knowing Your Options we’ll cover:

  • Human rights in birth

  • Informed consent vs shared decision-making

  • Choosing a provider and birth location that are the best fit for you

  • How to advocate for yourself without causing conflict

  • Risks and benefits of medical interventions in birth

  • How to have freedom of choice with knowledge of alternatives

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Preparing for Positive Birth

Preparing for Positive Birth

With U Birth: Mind-Body-Spirit Class #1

Cost: $100 (registration includes attendance for you + 1 support person)

Includes copy of 87-page Guidebook for a Positive Birth.

Taught by Tara Van Dyke, experienced doula and childbirth educator.

This is one of a 3-part series of classes focusing on evidence-based information to prepare your mind, body, and spirit for the transformative time of birth.

In Preparing for Positive Birth, we will talk about expectations surrounding birth, and gain a strong understanding of what to expect in each stage of labor. You will learn practical tips for navigating any type of birth. You will walk away from this class ready to anticipate your birth with courage and confidence.

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